Not just any bomber. This guy is part of an army. God's army. Meet Fritz Springmeier, the brainless brawn behind the Army Of God.
John S. Torell
September 15, 2003On October 8, 1997 the Damascus branch of Key Bank of Oregon was robbed. The robbers fled with $6,000.00 in cash. One of the robbers, later identified as Forrest E. Bateman Jr., used a gun in the robbery, when he fired one shot into the ceiling of the bank to warn the bank clerks that he was willing to use the gun if they did not comply with his demands. Bateman was dressed in army battle fatigues. Ten minutes prior to the robbery, a bomb exploded at the Fantasy Adult Video Store, located six miles west of the bank. No one was injured in the explosion but police investigators believe that the bomb was set off as a diversionary tactic.
Bateman and another man (which I will not identify in order to protect his family, but will give him the fictitious name Roger), had sometime earlier been recruited by Fritz Springmeier 1, and both of them lived on a remote property on and off for eight years which was owned by Roger’s family. Fritz would come often and spend time with the men. According to a family member (which I have spoken to on several occasions), they were preparing for some kind of action against government authorities. Roger, Bateman and Springmeier grew marijuana on the family property (which was not known to the family), and it was sold as a source of income to fund their activities. The family eventually became very afraid of Fritz and forbade him to come back on the property.
Scary guy. But what made him do it?
As I looked further into the case, I was told there is a possibility that the Federal Government is trying to use Springmeier in the upcoming trials of the alleged abortion bomber Eric Rudolph as a witness against him (Rudolph eluded capture for some five years). The common practice of the federal government is to be able to have a hostile witness testify against a defendant, and to offer a reduced sentence for the witness. While negotiations are going on, there is usually a news media blackout. Rudolph and Springmeier are both suspected to be members of the Army of God (AOG).
According to the items listed in the search warrants obtained by John Stevens, the following material was found in Bateman’s residence: Signs, banners, books, literature, computer records and handwritten material that identified Bateman as a member of the "Army of God." There were books describing how to make explosives, create poisonous gases, culture diseases, as well as books on sniper training and freedom fighting. There was also a copy of the Army of God operations manual.
Furthermore, ceramic body armor with an Army of God (AOG) patch on the left shoulder was found along with "Bull Run Militia" emblems, extensive military gear, fake identification, plans and diagrams of operational plans which included the building of an underground command center, an escape tunnel and a bunker in the woods.
Meanwhile supporters of Springmeier are claiming that Fritz was "framed" by the Federal Government and that he is innocent. There are some website’s claiming his innocence and some of them are trying to raise money so that Fritz can hire attorneys and continue the appeal process.
After talking with a number of people who have known Fritz for some years, and particularly to the family of Roger, I am convinced that Fritz participated and led the bank robbery, that he is a member of the Army of God, and that this group is armed and dangerous to anyone opposing them. Hiding behind the cloak of being Christians, they are bringing shame to the body of Christ.
Pastor Jeff Weakley of God’s Remnant Church (GRC) is a part of the Identity Movement 4, which is also connected with the Christian Patriot Association (CPA). Weakley in an interview with John Stevens in 1997 told how the Army of God (AOG) is set up, and he specifically warned that the members are very dangerous, well armed, committed and invisible. Weakley further revealed that Springmeier may be the leader and brain behind Army of God cells and their activities. In a private letter from Springmeier to John Stevens in 1997, Springmeier outlined his activities and he ended the letter, saying "PLEASE DESTROY THIS LETTER AFTER YOU READ IT, OUR EXISTENCE IS UNKNOWN."
Usually people assume the cult made him do it, but in this case he might have made the cult, so we can't say he's a poor victim of brainwashing. The Army Of God is a nasty group that approves of bombing abortion clinics. While AOG isn't obviously racist, many of Fritz defenders are if not racist, paranoid in the extreme:
On behalf of my good friend Fritz Springmeier, I felt compelled to stand up for him and his wife who were recently arrested and then vilified by the media.
Fritz has long been one who loves God, loves this country and his fellow man; and has tried to peacefully bring about social changes for the better through education. Unfortunately, the information he puts out is very detrimental to that nasty little group known as the Illuminati because his books expose them, their tactics, clandestine plans and the organizations they run. Some of those Illuminati-controlled departments like the ATF and FBI which took part in the Springmeiers' arrest are exposed, coincidentally, by Fritz in his books. One can't help but reminisce on their past successes at Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Oklahoma City Federal Building and several others that deserve honorable mention.
For exposing the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier was framed for a 1997 bank robbery and sentenced to nine years in jail in 2003. They tried to make Springmeier out to be a Ted Kaczynski Unabomber. Read excerpts from this interview with Springmeier to see how intelligent he is and how evil they are.
These loyal fans are in denial or Springmeier is lying to them. In 1997 he wrote a letter asking for the home address of a police officer. Was that an Illuminati plot?
Any rational reader can see Springmeier, his extremist connections and his friendship with the obviously racist Bateman are more plausible reasons for his trouble with the law. There's no need to look for evidence of an "Illuminati" plot. But there's more:Stevens did not think about the letter again until the news broke about the Clackamas County arrests. Bateman was arrested Feb. 9 and is being held on drug and weapons charges. Springmeier was arrested March 1, charged with drug crimes, and released on his own recognizance.
The FBI was brought into the case because of the weapons and Army of God literature. Although the local FBI office declined to comment on its investigation, Blanchard said Bateman is suspected of belonging to the Army of God. He was convicted of racially intimidating a Forest Grove High School student in 1989.
Springmeier is a fundamentalist Christian who has written several books charging that satanic forces are conspiring with corrupt government officials to take over the world. During a radio interview, he described his job as “exposing the New World Order agenda.”
The Army of God “are anti-abortion religious zealots who believe in using explosives to get their point across,” said Gary Perlstein, a nationally recognized terrorism expert who teaches criminal justice classes at Portland State University.
After learning that Springmeier was linked to Bateman, Stevens took the letter to the FBI.
Almost 60 Terrorist Plots Uncovered in the U.S.
March 1, 2001Its time for the Fritz was Framed Fans to face reality: all evidence points to Springmeier being a violent radical, a member of anti-Semetic organizations and working closely with racists. Only deluded fools would pretend Springmeier wasn't a racist himself.
As part of an ongoing probe into a white supremacist group, federal and local law enforcement agents raid the Corbett, Ore., home of Fritz Springmeier, seizing equipment to grow marijuana and weapons and racist literature. They also find a binder notebook entitled "Army of God, Yahweh's Warriors" that contains what officials call a list of targets, including a local federal building and the FBI's Oregon offices. Springmeier, an associate of the anti-Semitic Christian Patriots Association, is eventually charged with setting off a diversionary bomb at an adult video store in Damascus, Ore., in 1997 as part of a bank robbery carried out by accomplice Forrest Bateman Jr. Another 2001 raid finds small amounts of bomb materials and marijuana in Bateman's home. Eventually, Bateman pleads guilty to bank robbery and Springmeier is convicted of the same charges, and both are sentenced to nine years.
Enter Tim Calvert and the Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance, who have invited Springmeier to their latest event:
1pm-2pm Guest speaker Fritz Springmeir, author, political prisoner, expert on secret societies and the occult, will discuss occult symbolism in the 9-11 attacks.Calling Springmeier a political prisoner is a gross insult to all survivors of Pinochet, Marcos and other actual oppressive regimes. But it sells better than racist bomber drug dealer. And a supporter of the Christian Patriot Association who had problems understanding the tax code.
Springmeier and his wife were arrested for growing marijuana which in progressive circles makes them heroes. But they weren't selling medical marijuana or even getting high. Maybe if they're had a joint once in a while the bomb making urges would have passed. No, they were selling pot for one thing: money to buy guns, probably for the Army of God:
Irony strikes deep seeing one of the conferences is on critical thinking:
10am-11am “Critical Thinking” A lecture discussion of the meaning of critical thinking. Discussion of rhetorical devices that cloud critical thinking, ad homonym attacks, straw man, cognitive dissonance, cognitive diversity, poisoning the well, guilt by association; Concept of “belief” in the realm of critical thinking. Led by Professor Tim Calvert SFB, dissident, critical thinker.It might be worth the $35 cover to hear exactly what lessons in critical thinking Tim Calvert thinks he can share. Maybe it'll be something about not inviting Holocaust deniers into a progressive bookstore, who could have guessed they would be offended? Or presenting himself as something he's not?(A professor? Seriously? When did this happen?) Unless by "critical thinking", he means a retarded form of logic that encouraged people to ignore common sense.
This appears to be Calvert and this "truther" pals pattern: because Anelauskas isn't obviously racist, he doesn't goose-step down the street, and he's very careful to avoid blaming the Jews for all the worlds problems. Few intelligent racists are this obvious. Anyone with political savvy knows when someone makes an issue of how many died in the Holocaust and thinks its productive to focus again and again on the numbers of dead, and repeated insinuate the survivors are commiting fraud to get sympathy...this person is either a foolish naif to the political sphere(with maybe a touch of asbergers), or they are a closet racist cleverly giving themselves plausible deniability.
Anelauskas is no political naif. He its doubtful he has Asbergers. He describes himself as a "white separatist". No rational human being can interpret his positions as anything but racist. Yet Tim "let me teach you critical thinking" Calvert thinks otherwise. Its no wonder he missed pegging Springmeier as a racist religion crazed bomber who once stalked a police officer.
Apparently this offended indymedia so much they erased the listing, itself not very helpful, but understandable:
its a mistake inexperienced activists make, confusing removal of evidence with removing the problem. of course sometimes racist posts should be removed, when they're singling out people for attacks and intimidation for instance or giving info to the enemy or are just are insulting. but general information like this is like christmas: they're so full of themselves they're going all the work for us letting everyone know where they'll be and what they'll be doing. fuck don't delete that shit...archive it then plan an action! otherwise how is the community going to know what these people are up to?
How indeed? Maybe its time to shoot antifa an email. This perennial cluelessness on the part of Calvert and the Portland Truth Alliance is a strong flag for it being a racist front group. Everyone else can see it...why can't they?
fight_them_back [at] riseup [dot] net